Friday 16 September 2016

Dyspraxia and its links to other diversities (co-occurring conditions)

this blog post is going to focus on the other difficulties/disabilities that often seem to occur alongside dyspraxia with brief overviews of them.

i am going to start by saying there is some thought that it is extremely rare for Dyspraxia to occur in isolation as well as some thought that certain condition wont or shouldn't occur alongside dyspraxia due to similarities in my opinion i thin k there may be some truth to be both opinions and i wouldn't say it was definitive either way especially due to the wide array of things that can be apart of dyspraxia which could cause confusion over whether someone has multiple conditions or whether the difficulties they face are a part of their dyspraxia.
probably the most common or the most well known of the difficulties to occur alongside dyspraxia is Dyslexia which is predominately a difficulty with language and words there is also Dyscalculia which is a difficulty with numbers/maths and is sometimes referred to as number Dyslexia as well as Dyslexia, Dyscalculia and Dyspraxia there is Dysgraphia which is a difficulty with writing, mostly handwriting.
Autism or Autism spectrum disorder is another it is also the one that creates confusion as it is the disability that some suggest shouldn't occur alongside Dyspraxia due to how similar some aspects of both conditions are (however some people are diagnosed with both) there is also question marks over whether dyspraxia is or should be a part of the autistic spectrum. Natalie (the blog with one post) has done a blog on  this
another condition that often occur alongside Dyspraxia is sensory processing disorder which seems quite self explanatory as a difficulty with processing senses, this is another difficulty that could be causing confusion due to sensory difficulties already being quite a large part of dyspraxia for some people.
hyper and hypo flexibility is something that can occur on its own as well as many dyspraxics having it as well and this affect the range of movement you have in your joints with Hyper meaning more than the normal range of movement and hypo meaning less than the normal range hyper-flexibility may be more commonly referred to as double jointedness.
ADHD (attention deficit (hyperactivity) disorder) is something that often occurs with many neurodiverse conditions including dyspraxia and is difficulty or poor attention span and this sometimes leads to hyperactivity however not all the time and this hyperactivity is not always obvious it could be just fidgeting such as moving tapping of the foot or hand.
there is also verbal dyspraxia which is difficulty with speech or making certain sounds or controlling volume and pitch of voice this is sometimes referred to as apraxia of speech which is slightly confusing as there is a difference between apraxia and dyspraxia, which is that Dyspraxia is a developmental disorders whereas Apraxia is Acquired dyspraxia this could potentially happen after a stroke for example.
 a final thing to note is that it is suggested that people who have learning/neurological difficulties such as these mentioned in this post are alot more likely to suffer with mental health difficulties especially if they are not supported.

i hope that this blog has helped some people understand some of the things that can occur alongside dyspraxia and a very small amount of what these conditions are.

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